It may be snowing in November but I’ve got my lovely hibiscus to keep me company. My son calls her “Sweetheart” and always remembers to say good morning to her.
Here’s my avocado tree that I grew from a seed a few years ago. It will be so exciting when it grows fruit one day.
I’ve been really getting into geraniums recently, I’ve always thought of them in the past as an “old lady” plant but I’ve been rediscovering them. I love the scented ones especially rose and lemon.
Every one should have an aloe vera plant in their home. Great for burns.
Some baby aloe vera…
And spider plants are not only easy to grow but they also make good air purifiers.
Known as air cleaners, spider plants were identified by NASA in the late 1980s as one of the plants that help to purify the air by removing dangerous toxins (formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, benzene, and others).