Companion Planting
I would say my style of gardening would be a cottage style where I mix and match rather spontaneously flowers with vegetables and herbs. But this year I planted too much and things got rather crowded. The pumpkins and sunflowers took over the garden.
I absolutely love herbs since they’re so easy to grow, well maybe except for rosemary (a tender perennial) which I always have difficulty with. One of my favourite places to buy herbs is Heritage Line Herbs
“The importance of buying local farm produce is becoming more apparent. Supporting our local farms will ensure a supply of high-quality, safe and environmentally responsible food.”
I got this information from a talk they did…
Companion Planting
Basil – plant with tomatoes to improve growth and flavour and to repel flies and mosquitoes. Also good near peppers and marigolds. Dislikes rue.
Borage – companion plant for tomatoes, squash and strawberries – deters tomato worms.
Chamomile – improves flavour of cabbages and onions
Chervil – companion to radish for improved growth and flavour
Chives – improves growth and flavour of carrots
Dill – improves growth and health of cabbage. Don’t plant near carrots.
Garlic – plant near roses to repel aphids (I tried this and it really does work)
Lovage – improves flavour and health of most plants
Marjoram – improves flavour of all vegetables
Mint – improves health of cabbages and tomatoes
Rosemary – companion plant to cabbage, beans, carrots and sage. Deters cabbage moths, beetles and carrot flies.
Savory – near cucumbers or bush beans
Thyme– near cabbage
Yarrow – near aromatic herbs to enhance production of essential oils