Do you want to create a Spiritual Painting Practice?
22 Day Tara Painting Meditation Challenge
In The Freedom Sessions we will…
~Enjoy a guided meditation.
~Dive deeper into aspects of Green TARA.
~Learn and chant a mantra to one of the aspects of Green TARA.
~Experience a sound bath.
~Have a chance to share.

-You will paint an altar to TARA.
-You will paint an acrylic, multi-layered, mixed media, energetic painting of TARA.
-You will learn painting techniques that are both practical and spiritual.
-You will learn about TARA and all 21 aspects of TARA.
-You will learn more about yourself, what is available to you and all that is possible when we open up to the support and protection of the divine feminine.
-You will become stronger, more courageous, and more self-expressive.
-Your authentic self will take even more of your center stage as you understand new facets of your own personal super powers.
-You will learn about mudras and mantras and the sacred symbolism surrounding TARA.
-You will paint to guided meditations, exploring a whole new way to cultivate inner peace and self-confidence.
-You will illuminate your own inner buddha nature, the core teaching of Buddhism–that we can each achieve buddha-hood.