Veggies coming up.
The peas are coming up nicely. So is the spinach. And lettuce.
Nothing more lovely…
…than wisteria blooming in our garden. Well maybe the scent of lilacs…
Country Wisdom & Know-How
This book has everything from how to raise bees, to how to make cheese to how to build a stone wall and loads of great recipes, too! With nearly 200… Continue reading "Country Wisdom & Know-How"
From my sweetheart
After all these years, he’s still romantic 🙂 Aren’t I lucky!
Just realized I hadn’t posted anything for awhile…I’m interested in trying some vermicomposting: http://www.wormdigest.org/content/view/15/2/ http://www.yougrowgirl.com/garden/vermicomposting.php Now I need to find out where I can get some red wigglers… *********************** I’m… Continue reading "Vermicomposting"