Fresh lettuce
It’s so nice to be eating fresh lettuce every day now! I sprinkle some chives, oregano, basil and mint to make a tasty salad. Oh, and radishes too.
Lavender Harvest Celebration
Stoney Hollow Lavender is hosting their 7th Annual *LAVENDER HARVEST CELEBRATION Sat. & Sun. July 18 & 19, 2009 (9:30 a.m-4:00 p.m.) *(Group Tours by appointment from Sunday, July 12th… Continue reading "Lavender Harvest Celebration"
Ah Spring!
This actually turned out to be a big weed 🙂 Don’t you just love Spring?
Sprouted bread
I tried making Essene bread using this recipe here: http://earthstar.newlibertyvillage.com/essenebread.htm I sprouted organic wheat seeds that I ordered from Mumm’s I quite liked it but my family didn’t care much… Continue reading "Sprouted bread"
Avocado tree
This avocado tree that I grew from a seed is all of a sudden starting to grow a lot of leaves at the top of it.