Health update
My hyperthyroidism has become active again due to a lot of personal stresses in my life. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism / Grave’s Disease in 1992. Â I was on medication… Continue reading "Health update"
Healthy Green Living
My hyperthyroidism has become active again due to a lot of personal stresses in my life. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism / Grave’s Disease in 1992. Â I was on medication… Continue reading "Health update"
Making Organic Food Affordable covers ideas, tips, tricks, strategies and resources to help you AT LEAST match what you currently spend on conventional food while you work your way toward ZERO… Continue reading "Making Organic Food Affordable"
What is sustainable eating? Foods that are grain-free, to avoid heavy agriculture Ingredients that are in-season; and not from around the world A diet that follows our omnivorous, paleolithic biology:… Continue reading "Sustainable Meal Planning"
I watched fascinated, as a snake devoured this toad in my garden. The process was slow and they struggled for quite some time. It reminded me of a story… A… Continue reading "Snake eating a toad"
My kids’ school has received permission to establish 2 outdoor gardens and 3 raised garden beds! How exciting, I’m definitely going to be involved. ********************* Use iHerb gift code VOD016… Continue reading "Eco Schools"
Many people spend their lives waiting to be happy.  You may think, “if only I had more money,†or “could lose weight,†or you fill in the blank, then I… Continue reading "Do Happy People do Things Differently?"