Reconnect with the intelligence of plants for physical, mental & spiritual wellbeing
Our ancestors created practices and rituals for times like these…
… to keep us grounded and help us heal on a purely energetic level — before dis-ease and turbulence can manifest physically, within us and around us.
And with the uncertainty we’re all facing, there’s no better time than now to access these powerful practices. As you preserve these ancient rituals, you keep a very sacred part of yourself alive…
Since ancient times, our ancestors have burned sacred herbs, using the smoke to dispel negativity, raise vibrations, and assist with deep spiritual work — the process we know today as smudging.
Renowned clinical herbalist, medicine maker, and educator Adriana Ayales will guide you through a smoke cleansing ritual to clear the bacteria in the air around you… and purify your space energetically.
You can register here for Indigenous Plant Medicine Rituals for Purification & Protection: Experience the Power of Smudging & Limpias to Cleanse Your Energetic & Physical Space:

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:
- The power of Indigenous plant rituals for protection, immunity, and purification — and how they’ve been used to clear energy, nourish the mind and body, and boost the spirit for thousands of years
- How even just the aromatic power of plants can relieve stress by slowing brain wave frequency
- How purifying herbs from the shaman’s toolkit are used to perform limpias and cleansing rituals
- How to create your own smudging bundles using flowers and herbs you have nearby — as you’ll see, rosemary, sage, and thyme are examples of common plants with powerful energetic and physical benefits
- An opening meditation and guided visualization to cleanse your energetic field – and why it’s essential to go into a meditative state before your smudging practice
- The origins of disease and healing according to Curanderismo, a diverse healing system of Latin America
Adriana will share how you can be part of preserving Indigenous botanical medicine — many elements of which are on the verge of extinction.
You’ll remember that you have the power to heal yourself from our modern-day ailments… and know how to detox every day, instead of just once a year.
More than anything, you’ll discover how to reconnect with the natural intelligence of plants to help you become fully grounded… and achieve greater physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.